sanc·tu·ar·y-a place of refuge or safety. The feeling a master bedroom should give a person or couple should be one of safety and refuge.  A retreat away from the day to day obligations that we are committed to in this hectic fast paced world we live in.  A place where we can forget about the long day we had and focus on our selves. When I decided to decorate our master bedroom I knew that this would be our sanctuary and it needed to be a room that focused on us as a couple.  My entire home was designed with the purpose of family but, we needed this room to be our own safe haven.  A place where we can unwind as a couple and talk about our day, watch a movie, give each other long needed massages or just sleep comfortably all snuggled up under our warm blankets pretending like no one else exists in the world except for us.  

It is so easy when you have kids and careers to lose focus of the very relationship that got you to the point you are in your life.  The demands of being a working mother are so hard you often lose sight of your self and sometimes even your spouse.  A long time ago I made a conscious effort to make sure that my husband and I never lost sight of the love and time we both need to just be Alfredo and Shannon.  

For this room I chose a darker gray color for the walls. In my opinion gray gives off such a calming feeling. I like to feel like we are inside our own little cavern and gray is a perfect color for that vibe. The bed was placed in the center of the largest wall in the room. The king size bed features a gray upholstered wing back headboard. I found a white bedspread and layered it with white and silver pillows along with a silver trow blanket at the foot of the bed. I hung our favorite photos of us as a couple over our bed. The photos were taken on our honeymoon in Puerto Rico. We had such an amazing trip so the pictures hung serves as a reminder of the fun and excitement we felt as newlyweds. 

On either side of the bed we have two night stands with white and silver lamps. At the foot of the bed is a bench which we often use to rest while watching TV after a long day at work. 

In opposite corners of the room I placed 2 floor to ceiling mirrors. In the center is a beige couch which has candle wall art above to set the mood. White curtains break up the gray walls and a large dresser holds pictures of our family along with favorite perfumes and candles. It took me a full day to paint this room but was fully worth the effort. My husband often times locks the door and turns on the music where we dance to our wedding song, "When you Got a Good Thing" by Lady Antebellum. As we hold each other tightly the whole world seems to disappear. We feel like we are dancing in gray and white clouds with no one else around but us in our sanctuary and the love we share just him and I...until we hear "Mommy...Daddy can we come in".
